How change all languages of a Document to new Language?

     want change language of document new language , have not original language:

     code, not working.

       oindesign = createobject("indesign.application.cs5.5")

        odocument =

        oindesign.findtextpreferences = 1851876449

        oindesign.changetextpreferences = 1851876449

        oindesign.findchangetextoptions.includemasterpages = true

        oindesign.findchangetextoptions.includefootnotes = true

       ' oindesign.findtextpreferences.appliedlanguage =

        oindesign.changetextpreferences.appliedlanguage = oindesign.languageswithvendors(2)

        dim oatargetlist3 = odocument.changetext


how change languages of document new language?

thanks all.

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