Newbie trying to add 2-column sections to mostly 1-column book

using indesign cc on pc. have been using nigel french's "designing book" tutorial it's been laborious task me 6x9 book formatted. i'm on page 1 chapter heading , of body text inserted. thing is, first thing have do--and have throughout--is create 2 columns text in latin on 1 side , english on other. when i've tried using text frame options , selecting 2 columns, blank page 2 columns, while first page text on page 2. i've tried selecting text , creating 2 columns, same result.


i tried cutting , pasting latin , english frames on page 1 , adjusting height of columns, latin part take less room english, i'd have latin column smaller english side can larger , text line each other.


simply can't figure out how adjust column size. if in word, i'd able fiddle column sizes, , i'd able set make "section" rest of text stays in 1 column.


why did chapter heading jump second page? can't insert section that's 2 columns within 1 column-mostly book?


hope can help. i'm in on head indesign, having tried create book in ms word more familiar, gave limitations , frustrations.



for two-column flow of different languages going need 2 single column frames next each other, , separate stories each language. best way might create master pages arrangement, , if facing pages, thread left column left master left column on right master, , right column on left master right column on right master.

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