Quicktime Codecs in Premier Pro 5.5 and CC

i having issue codecs associated quicktime while using both premiere 5.5 , premiere cc running on windows 7 boxes.  recent recommendation apple uninstall quicktime windows environment, company made decision comply.  without quicktime, of .mov files show media unavailable.  there way codecs work premiere , these types of files?  tried k-lite codec packs no success, , deleted media cache files without success.


i know can convert files else using media encoder, , re-import them 10+ years of files, hoping avoid if possible.  has found workaround @ point?  thank you!

i have never installed qt, canon camera creates mov files work ppro cs6


i did install vlc player http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html , **think** read somewhere vlc installs "something like" qt codec able play mov files


if true (read @ above link) may solve problem

More discussions in Premiere Pro CC



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