Linear dodge on layer with transparent background--- please help!

i've become relatively adept @ photoshop after being self-taught last 5 years. designing print in need able apply linear dodge foreground , have background color remain visible independently.


i'm starting detail of image i'm working with:


screen shot 2016-04-21 @ 1.57.05 pm.png


next, change background desired lavender:


screen shot 2016-04-21 @ 1.57.49 pm.png


then apply new layer of desired gold color , apply linear dodge end this:


screen shot 2016-04-21 @ 1.58.54 pm.png


lastly, isolate areas i'd show through , return layer solid gold delete them, starting produce desired effect:


screen shot 2016-04-21 @ 2.04.16 pm.png


however, entire print intricate, entire print take eternity, , have other color schemes produce well. there way these results without having isolate every background area want show through? in advance help!



could please post screenshot layers panel visible?

More discussions in Photoshop for Beginners



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