InDesign CC Table of Contents - can't edit toc text without wiping out hyperlinks

i working on toc epub made. toc being used epub reader navigation , it's appearing in body of book. 1 of problems i'm having text comes out in uppercase toc appears in book. toc body text style generated default isn't set uppercase, don't know why happening.


i opened story editor , tried manually change type lower case, 1 character @ time, i'm getting unpredictable results. namely, if place cursor left of uppercase character , hit delete key, notice of entries below lose opening , closing hyperlink markers. yet, if place cursor right of same character , press backspace, don't lose other hyperlinks. why happen? thought should able add/delete text want, long it's between opening , closing hyperlink markers.

one of problems i'm having text comes out in uppercase toc appears in book.


in viewer/previewer? os platform? tablet app?

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