Acrobat Pro DC crashing - adding headers

tl;dr - acrobat pro dc inconsistently crashing while i'm adding page headers , footers. here -  dropbox - acrobat-crash-report.txt - crash log.


i'm working large (~120) number of pdfs, disparate sources, , adding page headers , footers them. done in 4 separate operations, , odd page headers differ in position , content, , , odd page footers differ in position.


i add page headers first, page footers.


acrobat pro dc (details below) running on macbook pro (10.11.4) crashes on 30% of files when try add second page header.


architecture: x86_64

build: 15.16.20039.185268

agm: 4.30.63

cooltype: 5.14.5



the crash log can found here: dropbox - acrobat-crash-report.txt


once restart acrobat , apply second page header (which happens in 1 try of time, crashes again , need try again), footers apply without issue.


hopefully diagnose issue, , produce fix. annoying. i've learned save work after applying first page header, if crashes while applying second, haven't lost i've done.


(and no, i've not found easier way need do. maybe i'm not looking in right place. if out there says, "jeez, he's doing hard way..." reach out , let me know easier way this.)


thank you.




hi stephen,


thanks detailed report.

and, apologies issue restricting perform task.


the issue has been forwarded development team , trying reproduce issue @ end.

any new findings reported here on forum.


in mean time, if have more information regarding issue, feel free post here.




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