Server behaviors are a dead end - stop using them
day after day, people post questions in forum dreamweaver's php server behaviors. many people, particularly using older versions of dreamweaver, appear unaware server behaviors removed dreamweaver cc more 2 years ago. removed simple reason server behaviors rely on functions deprecated (marked removal php) in june 2013. no longer work in php 7, released in november 2015.
if remote server still runs php 5, you're ok - time being. hosting company upgrades php 7, web pages stop working. if have existing pages rely on server behaviors, still have time find alternative solution. if you're starting out, building pages dreamweaver's server behaviors foolish.
although many people have asked server behaviors updated, adobe has not committed doing (nor has said won't). if haven't done so, it's time think future-proof alternative. 1 solution learn how hand-code database connectivity using mysql improved (mysqli) or pdo. alternatively, there (paid-for) third-party alternatives created webassist and dmxzone.
doing nothing , hoping best not sensible option.
having used both extensions, webassist extension original dreamweaver module, dmxzone extensions (there bunch of them) require learning curve, allow ajax processing.
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