Storing RAW files on a network disk. Does it work?

so have problem wife :-). both work photos , have photos , lr library on 1 computer.


the database , thumbnail prevs on ssd drive sake of speed abd raw files on conventional storage. problem arguing turn use desktop computer. thinking sharing same raw photos, not sharing same library.


1. idea have 2 computers ssd drives , first duplicate library start same set of photos , settings.

2. install disk raw photos on network drive: small server, router hdd connectivity etc. , point both libraries same location

3. afterwards working on library , mi wife on hers. libraries gradually change content raw photos remain on network drive.




1. current wifi technology fast enough handle type of use? sata drives faster wifi suppose, notice big difference assuming thumbnails (previews) stored , generated on local machines?

2. can suggest equipment choose in order have trouble free operation of system?

3. there way protect raw files being moved different location or renamed? example wife creates folder , names 'my kids' birthdya' , imports photos there. know makes typos computer import folder library (to have access same set of photos) , change name 'my kids' birthday'. rename physically existing folder on hdd wife lose access once folder name has changed. ideas prevent such problems?

4. there function lets lr watch folders new folders\files automatically when wife imports new photo shoot, appear automatically in library well?


in general have feedback specialists whether ideal ok or not. or maybe there solution problem? internet cloud storage out of question because internet not fast (i live in forest area , rely on wireless internet, no cable or fiberoptics).


  1. it depends on wifi, think. certainly, wifi fast enough. think way know try out.
  2. sorry, can't
  3. in operating system, can lock folders (make them read only), of course can still overridden. better approach, in opinion, agree once name something, rule don't rename it. , beyond that, better use keywords, captions , other metadata structures organize instead of folder names, in case renaming within catalog not problem. (of course, there many other advantages using lightroom structures organize instead of folder organization)
  4. yes, can set "watch folder" in lightroom automatically import new photos in folder.

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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