Acrobat DC Pro Activex crashes on Close

hi guys,


i new in acrobat. using acrobat activex display of pdf files in qt application. works fine acrobat xi , earlier creates problem in dc pro version. problem occurs in case when trying close activex control. crashes application on close. snippet is:



ui->widget->dynamiccall("loadfile(const qstring&)",previewfile);


after when try close display window, application crashes.


try load c:\program files (x86)\common files\adobe\acrobat\activex\acropdfimpl.dll yourself,

then free component.


the crash occurs while freeing control.

there call acropdfimpl.dll acropdf.dll.

inside called procedure control freed the

acropdfimpl.dll (where call came from) unloaded.

the return jumps address wich no longer valid because of unloaded dll.


the simplest , effectivest solution found, load dll additionally yourself

with loadlibrary.

unload after control destroyed or if nor sure,

leave loaded because when app closed windows unloads automatically.

More discussions in Acrobat SDK



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