my email will not process

  <form action="" id="form" method="post" name="form">

<input name="vname" placeholder="your name" type="text" value="">

<input name="vemail" placeholder="your email" type="email" value="">

<input name="sub" placeholder="subject" type="text" value="">

<label>your question or request</label>

<textarea name="msg" placeholder="type text here..."></textarea>

<input id="send" name="submit" type="submit" value="send question">


<h3><?php include "secure_email_code.php"?></h3>




// checking blank fields..


echo “you forget field”;


// check if “sender’s email” input field filled out


// sanitize e-mail address

$email =filter_var($email, filter_sanitize_email);

// validate e-mail address

$email= filter_var($email, filter_validate_email);

if (!$email){

echo “invalid email adres”;



$to = $_post[‘vname’];

$message = $_post[‘msg’];

$headers = ‘from:’. $email . “\r\n”; // sender’s email

$headers .= ‘cc:’. $email . “\r\n”; // carbon copy sender

// message lines should not exceed 70 characters (php rule), wrap it

$message = wordwrap($message, 70);

// send mail php mail function

mail(”, $headers, $message, $to);

echo “thank message, i’ll try respond possible!”;




you can not run php within phonegap app. code not work.

More discussions in PhoneGap



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