Animation and Audio issue in SWF exported file

hi everyone.

i have looked through previous forums , can't find answer question hoping has solution.


i have group of students doing presentations in indesign cc 2015.  have animated content of each slide different types of animation , used timing panel delay animations appear on period of time.  have put audio each slide within presentation.  using individual audio clips (mp3 sound files) each slide placed using media panel or file / place. 


the sound works , animation works when played on epub preview panel. 


when checked on swf or exported swf audio , animation play in order not simultaneously.   order dependent on position in timing panel.


when audio linked animated object in timing panel play @ same time play animated object rest of animations don't play until audio complete. 


does have solution problem me.  in advance can give me.



flash obsolete , shouldn't used (for example such formats can't viewed on tablets , smart phones). have instead @ fixed layout epub , publish online – both formats available via indesign cc2015.

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