Exit code 7: installation DF024

okay, have had problem error when try download application (e.g. adobe lightroom cc (2015)):


05/02/16 21:19:57:793 | [warn] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | dw050: following payload errors found during install:

05/02/16 21:19:57:793 | [warn] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | dw050:  - adobe lightroom: install failed

05/02/16 21:19:57:798 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | call postsession custom hook

05/02/16 21:19:57:798 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | :: end timer :: [total timer] took 180512 milliseconds (180.512 seconds) dtr = 10.7915 kbps (0.0105386 mbps)

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | -------------------------------------- summary --------------------------------------

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 |  - 0 fatal error(s), 1 error(s)

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | win os version: 64 bit type: 1

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 |

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | ----------- payload: adobe lightroom {8048a5df-8a70-5be1-954b-e0fde1bd0d0d} -----------

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | error: df024: unable move file @ "c:\program files (x86)\common files\adobe\installers\adobetemp\{8048a5df-8a70-5be1-954b-e0fde1bd0d0d}\_195_0dc8a5269af8 c279bb94d45486d88942" "c:\program files\adobe\adobe lightroom\helpers\dynamiclinkmediaserver\dynamiclinkmediaserver\1.0\audiorenderer.dll" error 32 process cannot access file because being used process.. try setting correct permissions specified file/folder or parent folder, admin has rights modify it.(seq 188)

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 |

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | please search above error string(s) find when error occurred.

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | these errors resulted in installer exit code mentioned below.

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 |

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | exit code: 7 - unable complete silent workflow.

05/02/16 21:19:58:850 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | dumped analytics data at: c:\users\colt\appdata\local\temp\{cab4269b-4d18-4b92-90e3-a36340820cbc}\{341827fc-7d8d-43 14-8b08-26b31bbd4739}

05/02/16 21:19:58:850 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | please see specific errors troubleshooting. example, error: df024 ...

05/02/16 21:19:58:852 | [info] |  | oobe | de |  |  |  | 11116 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*


i have tried pretty that's said , nothing has worked. please help.

hi coltmcg,


after looking @ logs


05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] | | oobe | de | | | | 11116 | error: df024: unable move file @ "c:\program files (x86)\common files\adobe\installers\adobetemp\{8048a5df-8a70-5be1-954b-e0fde1bd0d0d}\_195_0dc8a5269af8 c279bb94d45486d88942" "c:\program files\adobe\adobe lightroom\helpers\dynamiclinkmediaserver\dynamiclinkmediaserver\1.0\audiorenderer.dll" error 32 process cannot access file because being used process.. try setting correct permissions specified file/folder or parent folder, admin has rights modify it

05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] | | oobe | de | | | | 11116 | these errors resulted in installer exit code mentioned below.


05/02/16 21:19:58:810 | [info] | | oobe | de | | | | 11116 | exit code: 7 - unable complete silent workflow.



i have tried pretty that's said , nothing has worked. please help.


we request restart machine -->  close following process --> clear content of  %temp% folder , re-initiate installation.


  • creativecloud
  • adobe cef helper
  • adobe desktop service
  • adobeipcbroker
  • creative cloud
  • adobe installer
  • adobeupdatedaemon
  • adobeserviceinstaller
  • aam update notifier
  • cclibrary
  • node
  • core sync


if doesn't work, please check: errors "exit code 6" , "exit code 7" installing adobe creative cloud, cs6, cs5.5, premiere elements, , photoshop ele…  , share results.

More discussions in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up



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