Feature requests, Dont rename files

my sony cameras a7sii , pxw-fs5 able create proxy files great editing in premiere clip instagram or starting assembly whilst away computer, when open in premiere pro via cc cloud renamed hard relink them full resolution 4k files.

so stopping renaming of files useful.

i can see being useful upcoming release of premiere pro abilty create proxy files can sent cc cloud,

as edit them in premiere clip , sync original project.

also add 25p option rather default 30p option seems possible ive been able edit xml file achive before opening in premiere pro

great requests nic! preserving file names makes total sense. requested noted! 


you're right, clip sequences 30p preserve original file data i.e. resolution , fps. so, if you   export premiere pro media's properties whatever captured at. if shot 25fps clip, within premiere pro change sequence settings match media. 


let know if have further questions or if have additional feature request.


all best,


peter garaway

More discussions in Premiere Clip



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