Why have error "Access of undefined property"?

in class have error 2 variables myformat , abouttext. can't understand why? there import line, , class in own file. before error text of class in main.as , working fine. when tried move code in different class error ocures.


     import flash.display.sprite;
     import flash.events.event;
     import flash.display.*;
     import flash.events.mouseevent;
     import flash.system.fscommand;
     import flash.text.*;

     public class menuscreen extends sprite
          var myformat:textformat = new textformat();     
          var abouttext:textfield = new textfield();

          var btn_play:mybuttonclass = new mybuttonclass();
          var btn_opt:mybuttonclass = new mybuttonclass();
          var btn_inst:mybuttonclass = new mybuttonclass();
          var btn_abt:mybuttonclass = new mybuttonclass();
          var btn_ext:mybuttonclass = new mybuttonclass();

          myformat.font = "times new roman";
          myformat.size = 20;
           myformat.color = 0x000000;                    

          abouttext.width = 550;
          abouttext.height = 250;
          abouttext.x = 225;
          abouttext.y = 80;
          abouttext.selectable = false;

          public function menuscreen()

                         btn_play.name = "btn_play";
                         btn_play.label = "play";
                         btn_play.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, btnmousehandle);
                         addchild(btn_play).y = 50;
                         btn_play.x = 80

                         btn_opt.name = "btn_options";
                         btn_opt.label = "options"
                         btn_opt.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, btnmousehandle);
                         addchild(btn_opt).y = 100;
                         btn_opt.x = 80

                         btn_inst.name = "btn_instructions";
                         btn_inst.label = "instructions"
                         btn_inst.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, btnmousehandle);
                         addchild(btn_inst).y = 150;
                         btn_inst.x = 80

                         btn_abt.name = "btn_about";
                         btn_abt.label = "about"
                         btn_abt.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, btnmousehandle);
                         addchild(btn_abt).y = 200;
                         btn_abt.x = 80

                         btn_ext.name = "btn_exit";
                         btn_ext.label = "exit"
                         btn_ext.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, btnmousehandle);
                         addchild(btn_ext).y = 250;
                         btn_ext.x = 80

          function btnmousehandle(e:mouseevent):void
                              case "btn_play":
                                   var testswc:movieclip = new wsymbol_mc;
                                   trace("btn_01 click");
                                   testswc.x = 50;
                                   testswc.y = 50;
                              case "btn_options":
                                   trace("btn_02 click");
                              case "btn_instructions":
                                   trace("btn_03 click");
                                   showtextblock (e.target.name);
                              case "btn_about":
                                   trace("btn_04 click");
                                   showtextblock (e.target.name);
                              case "btn_exit":
                                   trace("btn_05 click");

          function showtextblock (strid:string):void
                         if (strid == "btn_instructions")
                                   abouttext.text = "some text here";
                                   myformat.align = textformatalign.center;
                                   myformat.leading = 10;
                                   abouttext.defaulttextformat = myformat;
                                   abouttext.text = "some text here";



this main.as:


     import flash.display.sprite;
     import flash.events.event;
     import flash.display.*;
     import flash.events.mouseevent;
     import flash.system.fscommand;
     import flash.text.*;

     public class main extends sprite

          var mscreen:menuscreen = new menuscreen;

          public function main():void
               if (stage) init();
               else addeventlistener(event.added_to_stage, init);

          private function init(e:event = null):void
               removeeventlistener(event.added_to_stage, init);




one man told me reason in many actions outside functions, true? restriction in as3?

try moving variable declarations inside first function.  make variables private/public needed.

More discussions in ActionScript 3



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