Load external text in Adobe Animate CC



i'm interested in loading external text html5 canvas made adobe animate.


this text should have bold, , italic tags too.

any help?




[asking in correct forum helps... moved generic cloud/setup forum specific program forum... mod]

sure, can load data xml or js files. js (via injected script tag) has advantage of working local filesystem, while xml (via xmlhttprequest) works web server.


however, won't able display inline bold/italic formatting using native flash text objects. you'll have overlay native html text elements on stage.


here's simple example of loading xml file:


// load xml file var req = new xmlhttprequest(); req.open("get", "test.xml", true); req.addeventlistener("load", transfercomplete); req.send();  function transfercomplete(e) {     var rawxml = e.target.response;     console.log(rawxml); } 

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