Just downloaded trail subscription to Pro DC. (Am a registered user of Pro) and I am trying to scan to my Brothers Printer/Scanner. Program acts like it is scanning but nothing is happening.

i have been having issues time time scanning brothers mfc8890dw. have been using adobe pro xi , decided try dc several reasons, 1 of see if scanning issue resolved new software. instead, have bigger issue, software "thinks" scanning nothing happens. problem xi had been software stop in midscan, saying adobe had encountered problem , needed close.


i using wireless connection.  print function working, issue appears scan only.


i surprised adobe indicates phone support not available pro dc, doesn't make sense me.

hi cmacbroom ,


please provide exact dot version of software & os installed @ system .also check whether there update available software after going through "help > check updates ".

follow thread reset preferences acrobat software :- how reset preference settings in acrobat.

would request check after connecting scanner locally system if connected on network & check same.

please refer article :- troubleshooting tips scanner issues when using acrobat

if issue still persist request please check different user account.




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