Adobe RGB 1998 Workspace vs Image with embedded sRGB profile

i have been working through innumerable postings on web regarding various aspects of color profile settings different angles. tough subject depending on how of need understand.  now, have 1 multi-part question appreciate feedback on in know.  i'll try recap briefly - involves default rgb color space setting in cs6 versus opening image has different embedded color profile.



1)  there 'potential' benefit working in adobe rgb 1998 color space if open image embedded srgb profile , 'preserve embedded profile'?  realize potential benefit depend on range of colors in image - i.e., image dull or limited color range might not affected whatever color profile or working space applicable.


2) if default rgb color space in cs6 adobe rgb 1998 , open image embedded srgb profile, need convert-to adobe rgb in order take advantage of wider gamut when working image.


3) if need convert srgb image adobe rgb take advantage of wider gamut when making changes need save image srgb profile output purposes (outside printing service or web presentation):


3.1  should make copy of finished image , convert-to srgb or can save-as jpeg , select srgb profile embedded?

3.2  regardless of how save finished image srgb profile, lose whatever benefit may have seen working in adobe rgb workspace?


i not questioning whether there reason work in srgb vs adobe rgb (or prophoto) or under circumstances might matter - trying understand couple of mechanics should wish work in adobe rgb have lot of stuff (previous slide scans etc.) has srgb or other embedded profile.


also not questioning best camera settings thoroughly convinced way go capture in raw if objective optimal flexibility work image (i'm still shooting fujifilm provia 100f in nikon f6 go fx digital slr when can swing - point being images working pretty slides scanned on nikon super coolscan 5000 ed scanner). 


i understand hot topic (srgb vs rgb etc.) , not trying stimulate broad debate on issues. 


thanks thoughts may have on subject.

jerry keenehan


p.s.  here comparison of test-case image ch.14 of adobe cs6 classroom-in-a-book.  "rev00" on left original srgb image included tutorial; "rev01" on right image first 'assigned' adobe rgb profile , (out of ignorance, perhaps, converted-to adobe rgb profile). did because noticed if convert-to rgb perceptual colors remain same whereas if 'assign' rgb profile, slight pop image - may not noticeable in screen grab can see improvement when looking @ them side side on apple 27" led cinema display.

screen shot 2016-05-21 @ 3.43.30 pm.png

there people here have far better grasp such d. fosse , i'm sure along.


one thing i'm eager point out never "assign" adobe rgb srgb image. seeing color saturation caused assign command goes against preserving original color detail, whole point of color management.


in short, "respect original profile". here's guide:


assign versus convert profile photoshop color management tutorial assignconvert cs6 cs5 cs4 cs3 cs2 ps 13 12 11 10


check whole course gary ballard if can.  photoshop color management tutorials adobe cs cc photoshop troubleshooting professional photo shop training workflows



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