Illustrator Action for Dashed Stroke bug



i've created action in illustrator makes small rectangle dashed stroke (with 17 pt dash , 1000 pt gap dash adjustment turned on). way rectangle has sort of crop marks in corners. problem though when create action rectangle looks perfect when play settings messed up. although in action panel see dash 1: 17 pt , dash 2: 1000 pt in stroke panel dash 1000 pt , gap 0 pt. dash adjustment in no instead of yes.


the image below shows how rectangle looked when created action (the 1 above) , rectangle resulted when ran action (the 1 below). can see settings recorded in action panel , values stroke has right after action.


my question is: bug or doing wrong?



what version of illustrator using?


in illustrator cs5 similar action works expected, is, without issues describing above.


can share action (.aia file)?

More discussions in Illustrator



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