The "Next" Button keeps my text from appearing because it stops the timeline.

i using captivate 8.  give users control how navigate slides. not want slides move automatically, put next button @ bottom of slide.  great....however, intentionally designed slides of text not appear slide starts.  (as narrator saying sentence, sentence appear)


the problem is:  long have next button, text not appear because next button stops timeline.  have 2 questions:


1.  there anyway have both next button , text appear?  or

2. there way user can have control on slides, meaning slides don't automatically advance?


thank in advance help.  appreciate it.

i answered similar thread, seems eternal newbie question

re: captivate 8 - media characters displaying when playing slide, not published


an interactive object has pausing point, , how interactivity can created: wait interaction user. want, right: giving control user he/she can decide when proceed next slide.


you have time pausing point: visible on timeline (if post screenshot of timeline, can explain more in detail) thin vertical line. pause needs after appearance of last object on slide. can time in timing panel or dragging mouse in timeline itself.


a quick way add next button all slides @ once, pause slide @ end of timeline whatever duration:

  • open master slide panel , select main master slide
  • create shape button act next button , style wishes.
  • on master slide there no timing panel; go actions tab (which have when checked 'use button' shape), , check option 'pause project until user clicks'.
  • when applying master slide, sure check option 'master slide objects on top', if have other objects in same place next button.

More discussions in Adobe Captivate



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