Prints to save 90 degrees clockwise

ok, i've found scanning in landscape direction leads having sideways print. started scanning portrait standpoint. had thought fix, here's new problem; have customers send me pdf's constantly. i've asked if scan sideways, have 1 option scan. every scan receive appears portrait, when go print comes out 90 degrees clockwise. when view these page in "organize pages", predetermined 90 degrees clockwise. how can make issue stop , come in right side up? of course, can rotate these pages after/before printing, i'm sure can see why pain in *** when receiving 100's of files day. free version of pdf reader/viewer did not this. adobe acrobat pro dc , want order before free trial runs out, if cannot fixed i'm not sure worth it. there permanent fix or free version alternative?

we have similar problem , work around has been rotate files in acrobat, save postscript , open in distiller. don't think want 100's day, maybe else has solution.

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