Preview in Premiere Pro CC going to black screen, halps only restart programm.

i haven't action sequences error, problem occurs periodically during work!


1) work sequences , timeline

2) sending sequences media encoder

3) return timeline

4) preview in premiere pro going black screen ( happens preview in programm, @ same time preview on preview monitor working correctly )

5) if happens, halps complite restart premiere pro cc


result problem black screen on prewiew window: / Облако


this link contain sources , video result follow actions:



our configuration:

macosx 10.9.5

premiere pro cc: 9.2 ( lastest )

io card: aja kona lhi

driver aja kona lhi: 12_4_0b206

sound carv: m-audio fast track c400

driver m-audio fast track : 1.2.7

video card: quadro 4000 mac

cuda driver ( lastest )

nvidia driver ( lastest web-driver 10.9.5 ): 334.01.03f09

More discussions in Premiere Pro CC



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