Premiere Pro CC 2015 Mercury Gpu Playback Issues


i'm running premiere pro cc 2015 version 9.2.0 (41) build on os x el capitan (10.11).

i'm editing on macbook pro 15" 2012 2.3ghz w/ 650m gpu.


when have mercury playback engine running in gpu mode program screen glitches out , unable display video. happens when timeline paused / not scrubbing. when timeline running video displays without issue.

when mercury playback in software mode there no issue program window.


i've taken project , opened on windows 10 workstation nvidia gtx 970 w/o issues.

if know causing (i.e. bad drivers, configuration, etc) please let me know! thank you.


(gpu playback enabled)

screen shot 2016-05-22 @ 8.17.38 pm.png

(software playback enabled)

screen shot 2016-05-22 @ 8.17.59 pm.png

my guess - pc - update latest version of el capitan.

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