Noto Sans Font Appears Out Of Nowhere - Not Visible In Libraries

this driving me crazy!


if me, scroll through fonts see ones best.

and disable ones don't allow me scroll or keep me seeing displayed in program.


today, series of noto sans fonts magically appeared in illustrator program.

and when series... mean lot!

this fourth of noto sans fonts show up!



normally, enjoy free fonts pretty these fonts not work , block me casual scrolling.


i have looked everywhere on hard drive in library , font folders find , nothing!

i've looked in font book - nothing.

i've updated program.

i've uninstalled , reinstalled program.

i've downloaded onyx , cleared font cache.


please tell me do!


(p.s. doesn't appear show in photoshop)

did recent install of chrome or other google related applications?

More discussions in Illustrator



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