Adobe Digital Editions – Anonymous Activation

my problem described @ link (adobe digital editions – anonymous activation ) can't solve anyway...


the key sentence @ link "if have activated ade without id, there way activate adobe id , continue reading books fulfilled using anonymous account, , move books other devices? answer yes, there catch. can achieve it, creating new adobe id , activate ade again directly without de-authorizing existing anonymous account. "


what did, instead?

i installed adobe digital editions download ebook (from ".acsm" file purchased); after installation ade asked me adobeid... well, first ebook , decided use anonymous activation.

after download, ".epub" file longer legible on pc, read on ebook reader (sony prs-t1) needed adobeid.
so made account on adobe site , went on ade here's error: de-authorized existing anonymous account, , tried log fantastic new adobeid.

but nothing... made many attempts re-authorized in anonymous mode, use second adobeid , on...but can't read ".epub" file because "document licensed different user account"

what can do?
please me: have book i've never read...


i apologyze foreign english , hope i've explained myself well



when open/download ebook before authorize digital edition can read on device , no transfer other device. ask reader new file can linked right adobe id. (authoirze digital edition before download again).

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