Acrobat Reader DC Crashes incessantly!
i'm using windows 10 latest version of acrobat. i'm college student has 8 tabs open in acrobat reader dc. need refer them research , assignments need them open few days. problem program crashes multiple times day when left alone. usually, recovery futile , annotations/ highlights gone. has been going on months. simple patch can fix of , don't think team @ adobe dense. please see it.
please provide exact dot version of software & os installed @ system .also check whether there update available software after going through "help > check updates ". (also check if issue specific single pdf or every pdf)
follow thread reset preferences acrobat software :-
if issue still persist :-
* launch application holding 'shift' key, check whether works or not.
* check compatibility mode, right click acrobat pro icon, properties > compatibility > uncheck compatibility option & run acrobat administrator.
* if issue still persist, repair acrobat pro through : c:/ >program files (x86) > adobe > acrobat reader > stet files > open folder having alpha numeric letters > run installer
follow on screen instructions & repair it.
if issue persist please check behavior new user account referring article :-
let me know if works.
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