How do I build a forum?

the basics here are:

  • web marketing package
  • building website in muse
  • publishing website bc


as part of work being done in bc, have utilised couple of modules , integrated them website - including forum (utilising container within muse page).


however, wondering if tutorials available (such bc guru) provide complete picture of can achieved part of forum construction.  bc forums appear little restricted in configuration.  love able create layers within each of topics etc can't seem able that.


so example create structure such as:


  • groups , topics within groups displayed on first page (eg client a, topic a)
    • next level down topics within topics (eg, click on topic , presented topics a.1 , a.2
      • threads (eg, click on topic a.1 , presented threads, 1, 2, 3...etc)


there's levels of security wish apply - appears isn't going possible functionality available in forum module.


i've investigated using alternative forum module such phpbb.  however, can see, need hosted outside of bc , link forum website need point externally hosted forum.


am correct in assuming bc forum module reasonably basic option?  or there missing here?




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