Changing the head rendering

hey guys,

the head rendering in bc has been strange work done while ago now, further updates bc undone work guys. remember threads bogdan involved , updates of seem have got whiped

the head rendering has been problem various reasons , not cover them has been done death, main things want cover core ones , possible solution can done.


1. elements in on template being re-ordered.

this has stop start. ignoring insertion stuff etc, have head setup:

 <meta charset="utf-8">   <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">   <title>my title</title>   <link href="/stylesheets/styles.css" type='text/css' rel="stylesheet"> script or 2 here  

why bc moving stylesheet , script info loading after utf-8 needs within first character space above them? bc adding scripts etc changing own code no logical reason. has stop please.


2. <head></head> insertions layouts/pages

this feature allows able add meta data blog, web app detail view etc , have render in head - nothing against feature, happy that. have no control on goes.


3. bc scripts etc

bc sticks these in wants , not want or need them, out of hands , needs change.


what do?


ideally, have asked before have head layout , have several tags bc elements render in. either or same tags available templates.

- there needs tag bc scripts chunk, ideally of course controlling each 1 sweet, maybe has own layout bc have scripts called , advanced users can choose edit out specific ones etc, on low end, tag them. not think latter major do, if forget legacy , have liquid output.

- head insertion tag/object - bc puts things page etc head, injection has tag render head layout or template.

- stop bc ordering template code differently


with can @ least have bit more control , cover basics, think enough time. more control great offering support wordpress or shopify offer create tags let "hey, here want code".

if no tags exist default happens. since have option disable bc script rendering templates has render chunk command, needs know tag first render in.



i suggestions on item liam - great thinking.

More discussions in Developer forum



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