sort web apps items by date with liquid


i try sort web-apps-items in column date - newst first oldest last.

but doesn’t works. output terrible unsorted.


this code.


{module_webapps id="zeittafel" filter="all" sorttype="date" collection="zeitlist" template=""}


{% item in zeitlist.items -%}


<h3><a href="{{item.['urlwithhost']}}">{{item.['milestone'] | date:"mmmm yy"}}</a></h3>


{% endfor -%}



it shouldn’t big fish - or?

thanks helping.

well, based on see:


when call:

{module_webapps id="zeittafel" filter="all" sorttype="date" collection="zeitlist" template=""}


you calling zeittafel sort release date. cannot sort milestone way, because according argument web app sorted. need apply javascript/jquery solve issue.



make sure add date attribute following:


<h3><a href="{{item.['urlwithhost']}}" data-date="{{item.['milestone']}}"  >{{item.['milestone'] | date:"mmmm yy"}}</a></h3>



            $("h3 a").sort(function(a, b) {

                return new date($(a).attr("data-date")) < new date($(b).attr("data-date"));

            }).each(function() {




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