Re: Activation server shut down for Creative Suite 2, Acrobat 7, and Macromedia products



first off, want frustrated @ moment. had run cs2 creative suite premium , been quite happy it. being said, hard drive took dump on me , @ road crossing else terrible reinstall process. have been trying 14 hours today , life of me can not reinstall. far creative suite requiring serial number. life of me can't figure out. installed suite disc set purchased. uninstalled instructions request.


i positive response people in charge of board. , realize decision make process unfriendly , destructive came higher up.


but have say, shame on adobe! spent $1,500 suite. money scraped when starting out designer. money had borrow buy suite cost more custom built designing rig @ time. not of need "upgrade" adobe beautifully puts it. , our license, when purchased, life long license products paid for!!!


i understand, @ point, company needs move forward new products , quit doing compatibility updates products. that. don't (and see illegal), company sells product promise on lifespan , availability, after few short years makes near impossible use said product, on same machine installed! product registered, have records adobe day registered. have original discs , yet, can not use product. disgrace. sorry, company large adobe handed not make consumer/company relationship. not that, see huge potential class action on issue.


now, appreciate board moderators doing best can here help. , realize had no input in unwise decision. hope 2 (two) things can accomplished message here:


1) somebody/anybody can me reinstall suite on same machine on.


2) awesome board moderator can pass along concerns , hundreds of others how ridiculous process has been made reinstall paid in full , own outright. own software. not asking "upgrade", handout or free software. able use software legitimately own...


here specs:


a hp 17 inch laptop intel core 2 duo, 2.0 ghrtz processor. 32 bit windows 7 professional. 8 gigs ram. 300 gb hard drive.


the instructions install don't match downloads. instance says download disc 1,2,3,4 , install disc 2, followed 3 , 4 (if premium), 1. there not number 4 can see. can not install complete. don't know serial number input.


i not complete computer idiot. have been working on pcs , macs since 1989. life of me, can not figure out.


i need clear step step instructions.


again, appreciate mods on here , sorry deal adobe suites unwise decision.


thank , cheers!

i totally understand frustration went through quite long process figure out myself. asks run disks out of sequence because install starts @ disk 2...not sure why. illusive disk 4 came extended pack type thing have purchased instead of standard suite, "extras" disk... didn't have 4 either.


its been month or since went through process memory pretty i'm going try , walk through without, hopefully, missing steps. before want point out tried download entire suite together, using 1 install file whole thing , after figured out how second disk "be found" (that whole other problem, may have not had) realized couldn't serial number work. so, tried approach , worked me.


1. click on link provided adobe. (i know original poster has if you're else , find here...if don't have need contact adobe , them email you).

2. click accept box , you'll see list of different languages further down page. click on drop down arrow desired language, we're going go english. you'll see bunch of different products listed downloads either mac or windows. (i used pc windows 10 download mine). so, see creative suite 2 listed @ top...don't use one. if scroll further down list you'll see individual programs...illustrator, indesign, etc. these ones want use.

3. in first column of table you'll see product name, mac/win, download file you're going click , final column serial number has been generated you. (i wrote down list of products , generated serial numbers use reference while going through download process.)

4. click on download link first product install , run other install program. when comes part enter serial number you're going use 1 generated (that wrote down earlier table of information), not 1 came original disks. (i add can download of listed programs ones weren't part of suite...a consolation maybe whole annoying debacle. 1 found useful outside of normal suite programs premiere )

5. continue process until have of desired programs on computer.


i note mine runs pretty on windows 10 little glitchy sometimes. tool bars disappear when make edit document if click anywhere on screen off of document i'm working on come right back. also, window pops ask if want register product every time open kind of annoying but... helpful , save people time took me figure whole process out. if have questions or if seemed have missed step let me know , best fill in gaps.

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