Search Script Troubles !!

ok thought had working apparently did not.  how can search each object that's checked in check box?  , display dialog box telling has been changed when check boxes checked.  runch1, runch2, , runch3 names of check boxes have.  thought had find/replace working yesterday must have not been paying attention. first set of changes , teh second not 3rd change.  , no matter 1 have selected (or not selected) 3 alert messages.  want alert message selected change.  if need rest of teh code let me know , i'll paste below.  in advance.


// how make each check box runch1/2/3 work when selected?  cannot figure out how make 2&3 work.           if(myresult == 1 && (runch1.value==true || runch2.value==true || runch3.value==true) ){               alert("find , replace items have been made.!")                 replace_txt(" <cr> ", "^p");                 replace_txt(" <cr>", "^p");                 replace_txt("  ", " ");                 replace_txt(" :", ":");                 replace_txt(" .", ".");                 replace_txt("^p^p", "^p");                                                             if(myresult == 2 && (runch2.value==true ) );                             replace_txt ("test", "asdfasdfasdfadsfasdfasdfasdfadfasdfasdf");                                {                       alert ("runch2 changes made")            };                    if(myresult == 3 && (runch3.value==true) ){                   replace_txt("and", "test");           }                      alert ("runch3 changes made")             };              w.close(true);                     function replace_txt(input, output)       {       app.findchangetextoptions.casesensitive = true;       app.findtextpreferences = app.changetextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing;       app.findtextpreferences.findwhat = input;       app.changetextpreferences.changeto = output;       app.activedocument.changetext();       } 

try main script file posted in other thread.. think requirement big.. myresult==1 used whether pressed ok , 2 pressed cancel.. hope understood now


// how make each check box runch1/2/3 work when selected?  cannot figure out how make 2&3 work.   if(myresult == 1 && (runch1.value==true)){     alert("find , replace items have been made.!")   replace_txt(" <cr> ", "^p");   replace_txt(" <cr>", "^p");   replace_txt("  ", " ");   replace_txt(" :", ":");   replace_txt(" .", ".");   replace_txt("^p^p", "^p");   } if(myresult == 1 && (runch2.value==true ) ){   replace_txt ("test", "asdfasdfasdfadsfasdfasdfasdfadfasdfasdf");    alert ("runch2 changes made")     };    if(myresult == 1 && (runch3.value==true) ){     replace_txt("and", "test");   alert ("runch3 changes made")     };    w.close(true);         function replace_txt(input, output)     {     app.findchangetextoptions.casesensitive = true;     app.findtextpreferences = app.changetextpreferences = nothingenum.nothing;     app.findtextpreferences.findwhat = input;     app.changetextpreferences.changeto = output;     app.activedocument.changetext();     }   

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