Export with Develop Presets

dear all,


i in bit of bind , need / suggestions.  here issue i'm trying solve:


1.  have 2 different develop presets.

2.  want automatically apply 1 preset , save results folder based on first present name.

3.  once (2 )  complete, want apply second preset , export preset second folder second preset name.


here have figured out far:


a.  have figured out how write lr script , apply presets in lr using lrtasks.startasynctask() , lrapplication.activecadalog() , applypreset().  can apply settings want automatically.  can apply first preset first , second preset.


b.  have written plugin allows me export output whatever folder want , can potentially automate folder name based on preset name.


here i'm stuck:


a)  can possibly call "export preset" lr script?  how?  if figure out, modify script applies develop presets such automatically exports files desired directory after filters applied.  need figure out how can pass variables "export preset," function pass preset name.


b)  if calling export preset lr script/plugin not best approach, second approach write post-process action apply presets, part of export process.  however, here stuck on 2 points:


i)  first, how apply develop preset post-process action?  examples saw, related post-processing actions, use command line.  create command line execution , apply filters image.  lr support command line option applying presets images?  if does, i'd saved.  i'm not sure does.  sdk mentions:


"the processing typically performed external application. can build command string , pass

it platform-specific shell execution, using  lrtasks.execute() ."


ii) second, if figure out first point (i ), how make export function go through export files multiple times?  remember, want apply multiple presets , save them multiple directories automatically.  1 way save each processed image multiple times part of post-process action.  way don't need go through list of files multiple times.  thoughts on idea appreciated.


i forward feedback , of all, know if it's possible i'm trying do: apply multiple presets catalog , export multiple times multiple directories correspond each individual preset.




hi there. need. have say, 100 images. , each images, want create 20 images different develop presets (100*20 = 2000 images in total)

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