How can I completely uninstall CC, without messing up CS6? (PC)

so, know cool thing people. cannot stand vast majority of new features of creative cloud.


so trying uninstall cc. though have manually removed every single adobe related app except cs6 , cc , when try uninstall cc error, "couldn't uninstall creative cloud desktop. still have creative cloud applications installed on computer require it."


the adobe programs have installed acrobat pro x, cc, , cs6 master collection. cs6 has been renamed "creative suite 6 master collection". know cs6 has stood for, until after installed cc, read cs6, not creative suite 6, in application list.


so how remove annoying auto-launching piece of crap, without screwing cs6?


or, worst case scenario, if cannot remove it, how , wholly disable it, can never again automatically open , pop on task bar, or pop window/tooltip never wanted see?

you should not have manually uninstalled anything.   should use uninstallers.


reinstall manually uninstalled can restore uninstallers.  (using control panel) uninstall cc programs including cc desktop app after else uninstalled.


then clean per use adobe creative cloud cleaner tool solve installation problems , restart computer.

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