Audio not exporting with extreme time stretched clips

i'm building video lot of things sped @ different rates, , i'm using clip-time stretch so. whenever go faster point, around 800% speed, audio previews fine, not export. i'm not using -maintain audio pitch, doing doesn't fix , causes drop out on preview. i've tried using pitchshifter effect, improves preview sound, again, doesn't fix export. i've separated clips audio, i've exported audio only, , i've tried time remapping - doesn't audio , doesn't go past 800% anyway. workaround can think of speed clips need 800, export, (sometimes more once) re-import clips main timeline , speed them more, i'd avoid because it'd kill video quality.


i realize audio gets garbled mess @ speeds, video's consistency, want audio play anyway. knock sped track's audio down -15db, , have soft music overdub going on whole video. make videos shorter , more dynamic, there's long , slow processes i'd show completely, don't expect viewer sit through if can't speed , on next bit. of these clips go high 4000% - showing several minutes of footage in few seconds. easy follow what's going on in video, kinda jarring when audio drops out 10 seconds. want export i'm getting in preview - if it's nothing more buzz or hum. guess rid of sound completely, music alone of video not i'm going for.  have few time lapses deal with, quite separate rest of video - hours going in seconds, it's own music , narration.


fully updated elements 14.1

the nature of digital audio can speed far before sampling rate becomes noise.


i don't know recommend, other using program audacity create sped versions of audio, i'm sure don't want do. audio editor re-sample audio clip sped up.

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